TiLTA Side Arm for Red DSMC2 A1, B1, C1 Camera Cages

  • Brand: TILTA
  • SKU: R-ARM-01
  • Product code: 532827
£79.00 £94.80 Inc VAT Price Match
This side arm is for use with the Tilta Camera Cages for Red DSMC2 – A1, B1, and C1. It connects the top plate with the baseplate for maximum stability...
This side arm is for use with the Tilta Camera Cages for Red DSMC2 – A1, B1, and C1. It connects the top plate with the baseplate for maximum stability and rigidity of the camera cage.

The side arm is specifically a replacement piece for the various Tilta Camera Cages for Red DSMC2 since it’s dimensions were designed with the entire cage in mind.


Weight: 0.15 lbs
Color: Black
Material: Aluminum-alloy

Package Contents:

1x Tilta Side Arm for Red DSMC2 A1, B1, C1 Camera Cages
4x Mounting screws
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