CINEGRIPPRO G03065 Multiple Lighting Mount

£45.00 £54.00 Inc VAT Price Match
The CGPro G03065 is an extension arm, with 4x welded steel 5/8" baby pins. 2x on the top and 2x on the bottom. Allowing multiple lighting fixtures to be mounted on...

The CGPro G03065 is an extension arm, with 4x welded steel 5/8" baby pins. 2x on the top and 2x on the bottom. Allowing multiple lighting fixtures to be mounted on one stand via the 5/8" Receiver.

Key Features

  • Four Welded Steel Baby Pins
  • 5/8" Receiver

5/8" socket x1   5/8" stud x4

Package Contents:
1x CINEGRIPPRO G03065 Multiple Lighting Mount

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