TiLTA Nucleus-Nano 15mm Single Rod Mounting Baseplate for 95mm Lens

  • Brand: TILTA
  • SKU: WLC-T04-CBP-95
  • Product code: 532725
£29.00 £34.80 Inc VAT Price Match
This Nucleus-Nano baseplate attaches to the base of your camera and provides a 15mm rod attachment so that you can attach the Nano Motor to your setup with a small...
This Nucleus-Nano baseplate attaches to the base of your camera and provides a 15mm rod attachment so that you can attach the Nano Motor to your setup with a small 15mm rod. The spacing of the rod attachment is designed to allow you to comfortably rest the motor against the focus gear of lenses that have up to a 95mm front diameter.


 Weight: 0.112
 Length: 4.6cm
 Width: 6.19cm
 Depth: 0.79cm
 Color: Black
 Materials: Aluminum-alloy, stainless steel
 15mm rod attachment for 95mm front diameter lens
 Small hex tightening screws

Package Contents:

1x Nucleus-Nano 15mm Rod Mounting Frame Baseplate
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