TiLTA Dual-sided Battery Plate with 15mm LWS Rod Adapter

  • Brand: TILTA
  • SKU: BT-B01-AB
  • Product code: 532826
£479.00 £574.80 Inc VAT Price Match
This dual-sided battery plate provides additional power to your Red DSMC2 camera as well as the ability to hot swap your batteries. When one battery loses its charge, the other...
This dual-sided battery plate provides additional power to your Red DSMC2 camera as well as the ability to hot swap your batteries. When one battery loses its charge, the other will automatically feed power to your camera system. Simply replace the dead battery with a charged one all while the camera stays powered on. Furthermore, additional ports are available to power your accessories as well as a 15mm LWS rod adapter to allow for easy mounting options on your camera rig.


 Color: Gunmetal-grey
 Material: ABS plastic, aluminum-alloy, stainless steel
 Rod System: 15mm LWS
 Mount battery plates
 15mm LWS rod adapter
 14.8V P-tap outputs
 12-14.8V DC input
 12-14.8V DC output
 14.8V 3-pin Fischer outputs
 14.8V 2-pin Lemo outputs

Package contents:

1x TiLTA BT-B01 Dual-sided Power Supply System (15mm Rod Adaptor)

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